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How to Make a Citation Under Image Powerpoint TUTORIAL

How to Make a Citation Under Image Powerpoint


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Microsoft PowerPoint's image-insertion feature makes information technology simple and quick to add graphics to your presentations, just you don't want to skip over one important footstep — giving credit where credit is due. Attribute your images through citations which give presentation viewers more details about what they're looking at and also serve as some due diligence on your part. Use the American Psychological Association, or APA, guidelines to ensure that your citations are formatted properly.

Start Microsoft PowerPoint. Click 1 of the two text box placeholders on the slide. Press the "Delete" key. Repeat to delete the other text box. Technically, these won't show upward on your slide, simply they just get in the way.

Click the "Insert" tab. Click the "Pic" button below the tab. Navigate to the picture show to cite and double-click the image. Drag it into place on the slide.

Click the "Text Box" button on the ribbon. When the cursor turns into an upside downward cross symbol, drag the cursor to form the text box for the commendation. Yous can always suit the text box size when you see the commendation size.

Click inside the text box. Type the concluding proper noun of the prototype creator with a comma, such as "Pollock," and type the artist's get-go initial with a menses, such as "Pollock, J." Practice not type the quotation marks.

Blazon an open up parenthesis and blazon the appointment of the epitome creation. Type a closed parenthesis and then type a menstruum, then the entire line so far looks similar "Pollock, J. (1992)." Practice non type the quotation marks.

Blazon the name of the image. Practise not utilise capitals except for the first word. Highlight the image proper name and click the "I" icon on the "Abode" tab to make the title italic. Blazon an open bracket and type the blazon of image, such as "[Painting]" or "[Photograph]."

Type where the epitome is displayed, and then blazon a comma and the location of the facility, such as "Museum of Mod Fine art, New York City."

Type where you accessed the image from, which is a permissions argument or a credit dorsum to the original website owner. Your complete citation looks like this: "Pollock, J. (1992). Splatter effects [Painting]. Museum of Mod Art, New York City. Permission to reprint past MOMA." Remember that the image title, in this instance "Splatter furnishings," should be in italic font.

Click and drag a corner of the citation text box and resize it as necessary. To change the advent of the text in the text box, highlight it, click the "Abode" tab and use the options in the "Font" section of the ribbon.

Embedding an animated paradigm, using a humorous cartoon to illustrate a point and adding a photo to a slide are just some of the ways you can unintentionally plagiarize the work of others in a PowerPoint presentation. Whether y'all intended to take credit for the images or not, using the work of others in your projects without permission is a crime. The creator of the image tin can pursue legal activity and you might lose the right to keep your creative work or pay damages to the artist. Avoid criminal charges past adhering to a simple two-footstep process: "enquire and assign." E'er ask artists for permission earlier using their work and assign credit to them through citations.

Detect the author, year of cosmos and title of the image. Note the date of access and website the image was taken from. Write downwardly the urban center and state of origin and current location of a difficult-re-create prototype. Contact the webmaster or a museum curator if this information is not readily available.

Select a format such as American Psychological Clan (APA), Chicago-style or Modern Language Association (MLA). Ask your professor or supervisor for guidance when unsure which style-format and citation-style to utilize. Look through previously completed reports and check your departmental handbook for policy regarding the format used in your office for PowerPoint presentations; certain offices accept their own unique style format.

Click the "Text Box" push nether the "Insert" tab in PowerPoint. Click on the slide where you lot want to identify the citation. Bibliographic information can be placed in a caption under the image, at the bottom of the slide containing the paradigm or at the end of the presentation. Follow the accepted style format regarding the placement of citations.

Cite images retrieved from an online database in the APA format — for case, Smith, John (Photographer). (2008). Starlet [Photograph], 29 April 2011, from: For APA citations, listing the components of the commendation in the following gild: Last name, First name (Role of the Artist). (Twelvemonth of creation). Title of piece of work (italicized) [Type of work], Date of admission, from: URL.

Substitute the engagement of access and URL for the post-obit if using a hard-copy paradigm such every bit a painting with the city and land abbreviation of country of cosmos, and the name of the institution where the piece is housed every bit follows: Smith, John (Photographer). (2008). Starlet [Photo]. NYC, NY. Museum of Photos.

Reference offline images in Chicago-way — for case, Smith, John, Starlet, 2008, gelatin silverish print, 12″ x12″, Museum of Photos, NYC, NY. Gild the information in the citation as follows: Last name, First proper noun, Title of work (italicized), year of creation, medium and support, measurements, name of institution where the piece is housed, and nowadays urban center. Cite images retrieved online as follows: Terminal proper name, Showtime proper noun, Championship of piece of work (italicized), year of creation. Present city. URL (Date of access).

April 29, 2020, eleven:23am EDT

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

Billions of images are on the cyberspace—but not all of them are gratuitous to apply. When you add together licensed photos to PowerPoint documents, you'll probably need to cite where it's from and who made it. Here's how.

Before we begin, information technology'due south of import to remember that how you cite pictures may vary. Formal citation is required in an academic setting, where formal styles like APA are used for documents. Alternatively, copyright licensing may require you to cite images in a different way, depending on the license used.

How to Cite Pictures and Images in PowerPoint

The process for citing pictures and images in PowerPoint is really quite simple. Unlike citations in Microsoft Word or other Office software, PowerPoint isn't really designed with referencing in mind. That doesn't hateful you shouldn't cite pictures in PowerPoint—it may still be a requirement for academic and licensing reasons.

To cite an image or photo in PowerPoint, y'all'll need to showtime open up a PowerPoint presentation and insert a picture or prototype.

To add a citation to the image, you'll demand to add a text box. To do this, click Insert > Text Box on the ribbon bar.

How to cite pictures in powerpointText Box to add a text box in PowerPoint" width="526″ height="150″ src="" onload="pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);" onerror="this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);"/>

Adjacent, draw your text box using your mouse or trackpad—place this under your paradigm or in a suitable position close by to it.

Once the text box is created, you can add the citation.

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

Refer to the relevant image licensing guide or academic style guide on how to do this. For academic referencing, you lot can utilise the Cite This For Me service to create a citation which you lot can copy into your text box.

Once your citation is in place, yous can then format the text using the formatting options in the ribbon bar under the "Home" tab.

Grouping Citation Text and Images Together in PowerPoint

It'southward probably a good idea, one time your commendation is in place, to anchor it to your paradigm using the PowerPoint grouping feature.

To exercise this, select both your commendation text box and image using your mouse and then correct-click. In the options card that appears, select Group > Group to bind the image and text box together.

How to cite pictures in powerpointGroup to demark the image and text box together." width="622″ peak="359″ src="https://world wide" onload="pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);" onerror="this.onerror=cipher;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);"/>

Past group your citation text box and paradigm together, any changes you make to your image (for instance, resizing or moving information technology) will now exist applied to both simultaneously.

To ungroup them later, only repeat the steps above by right-clicking your image or text box and and then clicking Grouping > Ungroup instead.

Referencing visual media in your enquiry paper, thesis, or dissertation tin be an engaging and effective style to support your statement. Photographs, paintings, infographics, and maps are only a few examples of the many types of visual content that tin be included.

Commendation Generator

In this guide, you will larn how to create accurate APA citations for digital images, infographics, maps, and even artwork from museums. The information from this guide comes from the 7th edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Chapter 10, Section 10.14).

Looking to cite a different type of media, like an audio recording or a radio interview? has citing tools that can assistance!

Citing vs. 'Reproducing'

This guide provides data on how to cite images and photographs. However, reproducing the paradigm inside of your essay or research newspaper might require additional permissions and/or attributions. Department 12.15 of the Publication manual provides more than information on reproducing images and graphics.

Citing an Image in APA

The guidelines for citing visual works are detailed in section x.14 of the APA handbook, and include a number of different image and source types. In every case, the post-obit data is required:

  • Name of writer, artist, or photographer
  • Engagement of publication or creation
  • Title of work
  • A bracketed description of media type (e.g., [Photograph] or [Painting])
  • Publisher, production visitor, or museum name
  • Location of publisher (if a museum or university)
  • URL if accessed online

For about images sourced online, the above information is easily attainable and usually provided alongside the image.

For digital images, using Google's reverse image search is an constructive way to determine the creator and creation appointment of a particular image.

Citing a Digital Image or Photo

Creating an APA 7 citation for a digital paradigm is like shooting fish in a barrel. In the post-obit example, we are going to show you how to cite a digital image institute online.

Author concluding name, Beginning initial. (Publication or creation date). Title of image [Type of media]. Name of publisher, museum, or university. URL

Stone, M. (2020). [Picture of fireflies at nighttime in Congaree National Park] [Photograph]. National Geographic.

Notation: In the above example, the photo is not presented with a title. For untitled photographs, a description of the photo is included inside of square brackets in the place of the championship.

In-text citation
Parenthetical (Stone, 2020)
Narrative Rock (2020)

Citing an Paradigm from a Museum or a Museum Website

The following citation structure can be used for all types of museum artwork, including paintings, photographs, drawings, and even sculptures.

Author last name, Offset initial. (Publication or creation date). Title of artwork [Blazon of media]. Name of museum, Location of museum. URL if applicative.

Monet, C. (c. 1900) Waterloo bridge [Painting]. Denver Art Museum, Colorado, U.s.a..

Notation: If you accessed an image through a museum's website or online drove, then include the URL at the end of the reference entry.

In-text commendation
Parenthetical (Monet 1900)
Narrative Monet (2020)

Citing an Infographic

Co-ordinate to APA seven, infographics are treated identically to whatsoever other type of prototype or photo. Infographics tend to include all the necessary reference information within the epitome itself, usually in the lesser corner.

Author last proper name, Commencement initial. (Publication or creation engagement). Title of infographic [Infographic]. Proper noun of publisher or organization. URL

Lutz, East. (2014). An animated chart of 42 Due north American butterflies [Infographic]. Tabletop Whale.

In-text citation
Parenthetical (Lutz 2020)
Narrative Lutz (2020)

Citing a Map

Author final proper name, Outset initial. (Publication or cosmos appointment). Title of map [Map]. Name of publisher or organization. URL

Cambridge University Press. (1912). Historical map of the religious divisions of Frg c. 1610 [Map]. Emerson Kent.

In-text commendation
Parenthetical (Cambridge 2020)
Narrative Cambridge (2020)

Citing a Map from Google Maps

Dynamically created maps like those generated by Google Maps practice not accept titles, then the map must be cited with a articulate description in brackets, too as a retrieval date (Publication manual, p.347).

Program or service. (n.d.). [Description of map]. Retrieval month, day, year, from URL

Google. (n.d.). [Google Maps directions for driving from Auckland to Wellington, New Zealand]. Retrieved June 13, 2020 from

Note: Some Google Maps links can get unnecessarily long. Link shortener services similar Bitly and allow users to create shortened links that will brand your references listing cleaner and easier to look at.

In-text commendation
Parenthetical (Google, north.d.)
Narrative Google (north.d.)


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Cambridge Academy Printing. (1912). Historical map of the religious divisions of Germany c. 1610 [Map]. Emerson Kent.

Google. (due north.d.). [Google Maps directions for driving from Auckland to Wellington, New Zealand]. Retrieved June 13, 2020 from

Lutz, E. (2014). An animated chart of 42 Northward American butterflies [Infographic]. Tabletop Whale.

Monet, C. (c. 1900) Waterloo span [Painting]. Denver Fine art Museum, Colorado, United States.

Rock, M. (2020). [Picture of fireflies at night in Congaree National Park] [Photograph]. National Geographic.

Published 20, 2012. Updated June 23, 2020.

Written and edited by Michele Kirschenbaum and Elise Barbeau . Michele Kirschenbaum is a school library media specialist and the in-firm librarian at EasyBib. Y'all tin can find her hither on Twitter. Elise Barbeau is the Citation Specialist at Chegg. She has worked in digital marketing, libraries, and publishing.

They say a picture tells a g words—so photographs tin serve an of import purpose in essays you've written or presentations you lot're working on. Google Images, which contains images from thousands of websites at the click of a button, is one of the easiest places to find photos on the Cyberspace. Knowing how to cite an image found on Google Images is, therefore, pretty helpful.

While you lot might know how to cite a thousand word long journal article, citing an image might seem more than difficult, especially if you lot've obtained that image from an online source. Luckily, citing a picture y'all've found on Google Images isn't all that different from citing a website you found after doing a quick Google search.

Say y'all're working on an biographical newspaper or PowerPoint presentation near President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and you desire your title page or opening slide to contain a photograph of the former president, who has the stardom of being the just president to serve more two terms and who led the country out of the Great Depression and throughout much of World War Two.

Google Images has you lot covered on the picture—the site has pages and pages of images, including this neat one of FDR sitting at his desk in the Oval Office—and if you want to cite the photo in MLA format , APA format , or Chicago mode, nosotros've got you covered on that.

Copyright Considerations

Before continuing, y'all should empathise that many of the images found through Google and other search engines are copyright protected. This ways that you are not allowed to make money from the utilize of these images. For example, it is illegal to make and sell t-shirts that brandish this image of Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, according to Chapter 1, Section 107, of the Copyright Police , y'all are allowed to utilize images for research and classroom purposes.

Information Needed for the Citation

After finding the epitome that you'd like to use, to the correct of the image, click the button that says, "Visit page." This is where you'll notice the data you need to cite the prototype.

Hither's the specific information yous'll need to locate when citing an paradigm you institute on Google Images:

  1. Total name of the image's creator, such as the proper name of the photographer or illustrator (if available)
  2. Formal title of the image (if available) or a description of the image
  3. Name of the website where the image lives (Practice not use Google as the name of the website!)
  4. Publisher of the website where the image was found on
  5. Date this information was published on their site
  6. The URL

*Please note that if putting these citations in a printed newspaper, the lines should exist double-spaced and indented.

How to cite an epitome from Google Images in MLA 8:

Final name, Outset name of creator. "Title" or description of the image. Title of the Website, Publisher, Date of publication, URL.

  • In MLA, If the image has a championship, place information technology in quotation marks and include capital letter letters for the showtime letter in each important word and for pronouns. If it does not take an official title, create a simple description. Only capitalize the outset letter in the description and the first letter for any pronouns.
  • Only include the name of the publisher if it is different than the name of the author and title of the site.
  • For URLs, remove https:// and https:// from the commendation

How to cite the example prototype in MLA 8:

Photo of Franklin D. Roosevelt at his desk. The Washington Postal service, 25 Apr. 2017,

How to cite an image from Google Images in APA:

Image creator's Concluding name, First initial. Middle initial. (Yr published). Title of prototype [Photograph, Cartoon, Painting, etc.]. Website Name. URL.

The reference listing entry for the prototype consists of its author, year of publication, title, description in brackets, and source (usually the proper noun of the website and the URL).

  • In APA, if the image does not accept a formal title, describe the image and place the description in brackets.
  • In APA, exercise not place a period at the terminate of the URL

How to cite the example epitome in APA:

US National Trust. (2017). Franklin D. Roosevelt at his desk [Photograph]. Google Images. https://world wide

How to cite an image from Google Images in Chicago:

Final name, Starting time name Middle initial of creator of image. "Title of image" or Description. Digital Epitome. Championship of Website. Month Day, Year Published. Accessed date. URL.

  • If the image does not take an official championship, create a clarification. Do not place the description in quotation marks.
  • Just include the date the image was accessed if there is no publication appointment!

How to cite the example image in Chicago:

Franklin D. Roosevelt at his desk. Digital Prototype. The Washington Post. April 25, 2017. firm-boo-boo-in-counting-roosevelts-executive-orders/?utm_term=.8d30c188c74c.

Works Cited

"Chapter i: Subject Thing and Telescopic of Copyright." Copyright Law of the United States , p. 19,

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How to cite pictures in powerpoint

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

When putting together a PowerPoint presentation, especially one that you will share inside the company or with clients, it is extremely of import to credit the pictures and images you employ. Unlike Discussion, PowerPoint does not offering a feature to add together a caption to a photo, so the procedure is a footling more complex.

How to Cite Pictures in PowerPoint:

  • Open the PowerPoint presentation and select the epitome you want to credit.

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

  • Under the Insert tab, select Text Box. Motility the mouse over the picture and elevate a box. You can motility or resize information technology if necessary.

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

  • Blazon the credits in the text box y'all just created. You can change the font type, size or color, just as you lot would do with any text in PowerPoint.

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

  • In one case you are done, click exterior the moving-picture show and you will see how the credits appear on superlative of the image.

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

  • To make sure the credits stay in the same position, even if you movement or resize the image, you need to grouping them together. Click on the image and then, while holding Ctrl, click on the text box. Under the Moving-picture show Tools Format tab, click Group.You can also group using hotkeys (ctrl+m).

How to cite pictures in powerpoint

How to cite pictures on Mac

The process is almost the same on Mac; the just difference is the grouping process:

  • One time you add together the text box with the credit, click on information technology. While pressing Control, click on the prototype.
  • Nether the Shape Format or the Picture Format tabs, click on Grouping.
  • If the Grouping tab is not visible, click on Arrange to display it.

If you need whatsoever help improving PowerPoint design for your presentation, or yous need i created from scratch, we are here 24/7. Reliable and efficient delivery, every bit quickly as 12 hours.

Powerpoint presentations are effective for carrying data to audiences in visual format just withal require citation of sources. Properly citing sources volition protect you from plagiarizing while too lending credibility to your own work. Following a few guidelines will ensure proper APA citation in your Powerpoint presentation.

Formating Your Presentation

In that location are no specific formats for presentations to encounter APA guidelines. However, the American Psychological Association suggests that your presentation employ font styles and sizes that are easy to read such as Times New Roman 12 point font. Citations are required in presentations just as they are in manuscripts. In-text citations and the reference folio may appear in smaller font, merely still must exist readable.

In-Text Citations

All data that yous take obtained from a source other than your own general knowledge must include a citation. This is important as it lends credibility to your work and prevents the possibility of plagiarism. To cite general data in-text, you should include the writer'southward final proper name and the date of publication in parenthesis immediately following the information. To cite a direct quote, you should include the author's last name, the date of publication and the corresponding folio number in parenthesis immediately following the quote.

For example: (Jones, 2013, p. xviii).

Figures and Images

All figures and images that are not of your ain creation must exist cited in your Powerpoint presentation. To cite figures and images, you should include the author'south last name or the copyright holder — which is often an entity — and the date of publication straight nether the figure or image in parenthesis. If the engagement of publication is not available, substitute the date of retrieval. If the figure or paradigm is obtained from a print source, include the respective page number. If the figure or paradigm is obtained from a digital source, include the web accost from which it was retrieved. You should besides make a notation if the tabular array is reprinted or adapted and include information on the original source both in commendation and on the reference page.

(Jones, 2013, retrieved from


You can cite tables that present an overview from a source by including the author'south last name and engagement of publication in parenthesis immediately under the table. Tables that are verbal replicas from some other individual's work can exist cited by including the writer's last name, engagement of publication and corresponding page numbers in parenthesis immediately under the table.

Reference Page

All references from throughout your presentation must be included on a separate reference page. Title the page "References." Double-space all references and use hanging indentation.

For a journal reference, include the author'southward last name, offset initial, date of publication, title of piece of work, title of journal (italicized), book (italicized) and number of periodical and respective pages.

Case: Homer, S. (2013). Citing references. Periodical of References (italicized), 15(2), 22-27.

For a volume reference, include the author's last name, first initial, date of publication, title of book (italicized), place of publication and publisher.

Example: Homer, S. (2013). Preventing plagiarism (italicized). New York: Publisher's Press.

For a website, include the author'due south last name or entity, get-go initial, appointment of publication, title of website and the spider web address preceded by "retrieved from".

Guide: How to cite a Online image or video in IEEE style

Cite A Online image or video in IEEE style

Utilise the following template to cite a online image or video using the IEEE commendation style. For assist with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator.

Reference listing

Place this office in your bibliography or reference list at the terminate of your assignment.



In-text commendation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.



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  • How to cite a E-volume or PDF in IEEE style
  • How to cite a Edited book in IEEE fashion
  • How to cite a Email in IEEE mode
  • How to cite a Encyclopedia article in IEEE style
  • How to cite a Regime publication in IEEE style
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  • How to cite a Music or recording in IEEE style
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  • How to cite a Patent in IEEE way
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  • How to cite a Software in IEEE style

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How practise I cite a photo or other image reproduced in a Spider web site article?

When citing an image reproduced in an article on a Web site, yous tin generally refer to information technology in your text and then key the reference to a works-cited-list entry for the article. In the example below, the epitome, reproduced in an article on a Spider web site, is described in prose, and the name of the article's author is provided in a parenthetical citation that keys to the works-cited-list entry:

A contempo commodity summarizing a study of Leonardo da Vinci'due south Mona Lisa shows a browse of the original Mona Lisa so that readers tin judge for themselves whether or not the woman in the painting is smile (Daley).

Piece of work Cited

Daley, Jason. "So Is Mona Lisa Smiling? A New Study Says Yes.", 17 Mar. 2017, report-180962580/.

Another style to cite an epitome reproduced in a Web site commodity is to treat it as a piece of work contained in some other work. Using the MLA format template, get-go your works-cited-list entry with a description of the image, since you lot are non citing the actual image but a reproduction of it. Then list the title of the article that contains the image as the title of the container, the author of the article in the "Other contributors" slot, and the publication appointment of the article. In a second container, list the name of the Web site and the URL:

Digital reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci'due south Mona Lisa. "So Is Mona Lisa Smiling? A New Study Says Yes," by Jason Daley, 17 Mar. 2017., report-180962580/.

If the image is altered in any mode, characterize the piece of work you are citing accurately in the entry. For case, the same article summarizing the report of Mona Lisa includes a doctored epitome of the Mona Lisa in which the woman in the painting is frowning. You might cite the image as follows:

Digitally altered image of Leonard da Vinci's Mona Lisa. "So Is Mona Lisa Smiling? A New Study Says Yes," past Jason Daley, 17 Mar. 2017.,

The Web site Liberty Puzzles contains an image of the Mona Lisa in the course of a jigsaw puzzle. To cite this image, provide a description in place of a championship. And so list the championship of the Web site every bit the title of the container, followed past the URL. If there is no copyright or other date on the page, provide an admission engagement in the optional-element slot at the end of the entry:


How to Make a Citation Under Image Powerpoint TUTORIAL

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